







石百達 董事長

陳昌正 總經理


Wanchin Chou

Francisco Espejo Gil

Tamara Burden


王儷容 博士
Wang, Lee-Rong

林秉儒 副總經理
Ping Lin

郭素綾 協理
Vickie Kuo






C○○一 辨識個人者。例如:姓名、職稱、住址、工作地址、以前地址、住家電話號碼、行動電話、即時通帳號、網路平臺申請之帳號、通訊及戶籍地址、相片、指紋、電子郵遞地址、電子簽章、憑證卡序號、憑證序號、提供網路身分認證或申辦查詢服務之紀錄及其他任何可辨識資料本人者等。
C○六一 現行之受僱情形。例如:僱主、工作職稱、工作描述、等級、受僱日期、工時、工作地點、產業特性、受僱之條件及期間、與現行僱主有關之以前責任與經驗等。









臺北晶華酒店 – 宴會廳

地址:臺北市中山區中山北路二段 39 巷 3 號


淡水信義線中山站 3 號出口,步行約 6 分鐘
步行路線:中山站 3 號出口沿南京西路直行→過中山北路二段後左轉→沿中山北路二段直行→經中山北路二段39巷右轉,臺北晶華酒店即在左前方


搭乘 1717、218、218 直、221、227、247、260、260 區、261、310、636、中山幹線、內湖幹線,於國賓飯店站下車,步行約 3 分鐘





石百達 董事長


  1. 德州大學奧斯汀校區經濟系博士
  2. 國立臺灣大學電機所碩士
  3. 國立中山大學電機系學士



  1. 國立臺灣大學財務金融學系暨研究所主任(113.08~)
  2. 國立臺灣大學數位財金及產業發展研究中心主任
  3. 國立臺灣大學財務金融學系暨研究所副教授、教授
  4. 國立東華大學經濟學系助理教授、副教授
  5. 財團法人保險安定基金諮詢委員
  6. 台灣風險與保險學會理事
  7. 國立臺灣大學管理學院玉山
  8. 台灣風險與保險學會賴阿凰先生女士最佳論文獎
  9. 台灣風險與保險學會年會暨國際研討會最佳論文獎

陳昌正 總經理

1. 成功大學應用數學研究所碩士
2. 中華民國精算學會正會員(FAIRC)

1. 國泰人壽數理部研究員、區主任(83.6~88.10)
2. 中華民國人壽保險商業同業公會精算資訊組專員、主任(88.10~104.12)
3. 中華民國人壽保險商業同業公會副秘書長(105.01~108.12)
4. 中華民國精算學會理事、常務理事、副理事長(96.11~110.10)

Masaaki Yoshimura

Masaaki Yoshimura served as President of the International Actuarial Association (IAA) in 2018. In 2019, he served as an Officer of the IAA as Immediate Past President, a member of the Executive Committee, and Chair of the Nominations Committee. In 2020, he continued to be Chair of the Nominations Committee as Penultimate Past President.

Mr. Yoshimura’s involvement in the work of the IAA started in 2002 as a delegate of the Institute of the Actuaries of Japan (IAJ). He is currently a member of the Advance Committee and Strategic Planning Committee of the IAA. He has also been involved in the activities of the CGA (CERA Global Association) from its inception in 2009 and currently a board member representing the IAJ.

Masaaki graduated with a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Mathematics, from Kyoto University, then went on to obtain a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Graduate School of Management of Boston University.

Mr. Yoshimura began his career at Sumitomo Life, a Japanese mutual life insurance company, where he worked for about 30 years. During that period, he accumulated a wide variety of experience in the areas of Corporate Actuarial, International Investment, and Planning and Research. In addition, he assumed the role of General Manager of Corporate Risk Management, served as an Appointed Actuary, and spent three years in the United States as Chief Representative of Sumitomo’s New York office.

Masaaki joined Milliman’s Tokyo office in April, 2012 and became “Representative in Japan” in January, 2013. He co-managed the Tokyo office and had been consulting on issues related to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). He assumed the role of “Special Advisor” in January 2018 and retired in June 2023.

He has served as General Secretary of the Institute of Actuaries of Japan (IAJ) and is currently a board member and Chairman of the CERA  Qualification committee. In 2023, he also assumed the role of Chairman of International Steering Committee ICA2026 as a member of the ICA2026  (33rd International Congress of Actuaries) Organizing Committee of the IAJ.

Wanchin Chou

Wanchin is the chief actuary at CT DOI since 2016.  He is responsible for the Property & Casualty as well as Life & Health financial and rate regulation.  He has 30+ years of insurance experience in insurance companies, reinsurance operations, and insurance regulation in the US as well as globally.  His actuarial services include insurance pricing and products, reserving and financial reporting, reinsurance, data analytics and risk management.  His expertise in advanced analytics includes Economic Capital Modeling (ECM), Predictive Modeling, and Catastrophe (CAT) modeling. He currently serves as the CAS Board Director, Chair for the NAIC CAT Risk SG, Chair for the AAA Cyber Risk Committee, and a member of several NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioner) committees, CAS and AAA.

Prior to CT DOI, Wanchin joined Liberty International in 2003 and was the VP and chief analytics capability officer.  Wanchin received his B.S. in Nuclear Engineering from National Tsinghua University in Taiwan, and MAS from Georgia State University. He is a Fellow of the CAS (Casualty Actuarial Society), a member of the AAA (American Academy of Actuaries), a CPCU (Charter of Property and Casualty Underwriter), a CSPA (Certified Specialist in Predictive Analytics), and a CCRMP (Certified Catastrophe Risk Management Professional). 

Francisco Espejo Gil

Francisco Espejo Gil is Assistant Director for Research and International Relations at Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros, the Spanish state-owned insurer performing many different functions complementing the Spanish insurance industry, among them the coverage of some catastrophic risks, the so called ‘Extraordinary Risk Insurance’ and the reinsurance of the Crop Insurance Scheme.

In his position, Francisco links the insurance activity of Consorcio with the bodies competent with the management of the perils covered: Weather Service, Hydrological authorities, Geological Survey, etc., as well as with the Academia. He also takes part in national and international think tanks and expert groups at OECD, Insurance Europe or the European Authority for Insurance and Pension Funds (EIOPA). He also represents Consorcio in fora like the World Forum of Catastrophe Programmes or the International Forum of Terrorism (re)Insurance Pools (IFTRIP).

With Master’s Degrees in Physical Geography and Insurance Business Administration, Francisco joined Consorcio in 2015 after a 22-year career as a certified meteorologist at the Spanish National Weather Service.

Tamara Burden

Tamara Burden joined National Life Group as Deputy Chief Risk Officer in 2023. Prior to joining National Life Group, Ms. Burden served as Chief Risk Officer of Liberty Bankers Insurance Group from 2017 to 2023. Before that, Ms. Burden was a principal and consulting actuary for Milliman Financial Risk Management LLC. While at Milliman, Ms. Burden was instrumental in developing the first variable annuity guarantee products sold in Europe, and managed variable annuity and equity risk hedging programs for US and international companies. From 2009 on, she led Milliman’s Dallas-based life consulting practice focused on risk management for pensions, endowments and foundations, where she brought in and then managed client accounts totaling $1.5B USD. She began her career at Optimum Re Insurance Company in Dallas, TX where she worked in product development and pricing. Ms. Burden is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, a CFA Charterholder, a member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and a Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst. In 2006, she was nominated (1 of 17 worldwide) for the PRMIA Professional Risk Manager of the Year award. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from New Mexico State University with a Bachelor’s in Foreign Languages, and minors in math and biochemistry.

Yosuke Fujisawa

AI Officer, Sumitomo Life Insurance Company


With a background spanning major trust banks, venture life insurance companies, and foreign reinsurance firms, Yosuke has been in his current position since 2020. He oversees projects related to data analysis, specializing in insurance data analysis, including Vitality. Additionally, he serves as a part-time lecturer at Waseda University and holds positions as a board member of the Japanese association of risk, insurance and pensions, chairman of the Japan Actuarial Association’s Enterprise Risk Management Committee, chairman of the International Actuarial Association’s Enterprise and Financial Risk Forum, and a member of various committees such as the Corporate Pension and Individual Pension Subcommittee of the Social Security Council’s and the Expert Committee on the Economic Assumptions in Pension Finances.

王儷容 (Wang, Lee-Rong)


Research Fellow, Chung-Hua Institution  for Economic Research




• 美國華盛頓大學經濟學博士,1986年~1991年 
• 臺灣大學經濟研究所碩士,1982年~1984年 
• 臺灣大學經濟系學士,1978年~1982年

• 凱基證券獨立董事,2022年6月~2025年6月
• 中華金融科技產業促進會常務理事,2017年12月~ 2025年12月
• 凱基銀行獨立董事,2019年6月~2022年6月
• 德信證券獨立董事,2015年12月30日~ 2016年9月19日
• 「TPP服務業議題專家」議題專家,經濟部經貿談判代表辦公室
• 「服務貿易協定」(Trade in Services Agreement, TiSA) 議題專家,經濟部經貿談判代表辦公室
• 行政院中小企業政策審議委員會委員,2015年8月~2018年7月,2019年8月~2022年7月
• 臺灣金融研訓院院務委員(等同副院長)兼任金融研究所所長,2014年1月~2015年1月
• 中華經濟研究院經濟展望中心主任,2001年10月~2002年12月,及2007年5月~2011年7月
• 臺灣金融研訓院特約研究員,2011年11月~2013年12月
• 銀行公會WTO專案研究小組委員,2008年4月~
• 投信投顧公會WTO專案研究小組委員,2008年4月~
• 保險業WTO專案研究小組委員,2006年9月~ 
• 全國農業金庫獨立董事,2005年1月~ 2009年12月
• 公務人員退休撫恤基金委員會顧問,2007年12月~2008年11月
• 全民健康保險精算小組委員,2007年3月~2008年 6月
• 臺灣大學財務金融所兼任副教授,2004年2月~ 6月,2012年2月~ 6月
• 中國信託商業銀行首席經濟分析師,2003年2月~7月 
• 臺灣期貨交易所研究發展小組委員,2001年9月~2002年9月 
• 中國農民銀行董事,2001年9月~2003年1月 
• 世新大學財務金融學系兼任副教授,1998年7月~2002年12月 
• 中央大學財管所兼任副教授,1993年2月~1998年6月 
• 文化大學國貿系兼任副教授,1992年7月~1996年6月
• 美國華盛頓大學經濟學系所講師,1988年~1991年
• 經濟部物價督導會報專員,1985年6月~1986年5月 
• 卓越雜誌社研究編輯,1984年8月~1985年6月

林秉儒 (Ping Lin)

資深副總經理, 台新人壽投資處

 Senior Vice President & Head of Investment

 Taishin Life Insurance, Investment


  1. 第一金人壽董事

  2. 集誠資本合夥人

郭素綾 (Vickie Kuo)

協理, 國泰人壽外匯管理部

Senior Vice President, Currency Management Department


  1. 富邦產物保險投資部
  2. 國泰人壽外匯管理部,
